Practice Exams
There are three ways to access NGE Practice Exams. We list them in order of the most common to the least common access method.
Access the Practice Exams in the Exam Courses (NGE Registration Required):
All of the NGE practice exams are located in the official exam courses this year, no setup required! After registration, click on any NGE exam course, then click on Modules on the right sidebar. You’ll see 4 practice modules with content that your students can work through. The level the student is registered for (level 2, 3, or 4) is the practice module that is placed at the top and is the recommended practice.
Need help? Detailed instructions are in the NGE Registration Guide.
2. Access the Practice Only Course (NGE Registration Not Required):
To ensure that students who are not registered for the exam can still access the practice materials, Lingco has made a separate, publicly accessible course for NGE Practice Material. You must register your students for the Practice Only Course at Setup instructions are in the NGE Registration Guide.
3. NGE Samples:
Are you unfamiliar with the NGE, and would like to know more about the test? Would you or your school like to review sample quizzes? The NGE has a free, open source sample quiz for each level: Level 1 Reading, Level 1 Listening, Level 2 Reading, Level 2 Listening, Level 3 Reading, Level 3 Listening, Level 4 Reading, and Level 4 Listening. No login required.
Need help registering? Watch this video to walk you through the steps.
Step-by-step: NGE Registration
Check your AATG membership. Teachers should login to the AATG account to confirm their membership status. If lapsed or not a member, they should join or renew their membership. Teachers who are not current AATG members, but wish to register students, must indicate on the Lingco registration form that they are registering as a non-member. A $90 non-member sponsor fee will be added to their registration total.
Register for the exam. Registration takes place on Lingco's platform. The registration link will become public and shared with AATG members on October 2, 2023. If you have never used Lingco before, use the NGE link to create a Lingco account. If you already have a Lingco account, use the NGE link to login to your account. Both new users and existing users will be taken to the NGE registration page.
Reserve seats for your student(s). On the NGE registration page you will find instructions on the screen to register your student(s). You will need to provide information about yourself, your school, and the level(s) your students will be taking. You will also need to indicate if your AATG membership is current for 2024. Additionally, you will select the number of “seats” (students) you will be purchasing. If you don’t know yet how many seats you will need, select one.
Invite student(s) to create a Lingco account. For each level exam you are administering, you will add students to that roster by inviting them to create a Lingco account. There are several ways to invite students — you can send an email invitation, share a unique code, or distribute a class link. Your Lingco account will allow you to track which students have joined — and which students have not yet joined — your roster.
5. Assign student(s) to their test group. For help assigning students to the proper group, see the NGE Registration Guide. It is recommended that you assign students to their group at least one week before exam day, but you can do this up until the exam start date.
6. Access the practice exams. This is not mandatory, but reviewing the practice material will familiarize students with the exam layout and makes sure the technology works as expected on their computers. More detailed instructions can be found in the NGE Registration Guide.
7. Complete the pre-exam checklist at least one week before exam day. The checklist is available in the NGE Registration Guide and NGE Administration Guide. Reviewing the checklist will ensure a smooth exam experience and ensures all technical difficulties can be resolved well in advance.
8. Finalize your exam roster(s). You can continue to purchase more seats up to the late registration deadline, and you can use the roster page to assign students to their appropriate test groups up to the exam start date. If you’d like to add or remove students from the exam roster, you can do this on the roster page too, up to the exam start date.
9. Have student(s) fill out student questionnaire (5 minutes) before exam day. The questionnaire must be completed before students can access the exam.
10. Pay for the exams. AATG withholds NGE score results until payment for all exams and related fees are received. Please ensure that you or your business office has submitted actual payment (not just a purchase order) by the end of the administration period. Visit the Payment page for details.